The presentation focused on the integration of Black Soldier Fly Larvae (BSFL)-based feed in aquaponics systems. It explored the potential of BSFL to address food security, environmental sustainability, and economic challenges through innovative and circular agricultural practices.

The presentation focused on the integration of Black Soldier Fly Larvae (BSFL)-based feed in aquaponics systems. It explored the potential of BSFL to address food security, environmental sustainability, and economic challenges through innovative and circular agricultural practices.

The speakers discussed the efficiency of BSFL in converting organic waste into high-quality protein feed and organic fertilizer, emphasizing its role in creating sustainable agricultural ecosystems. They highlighted the benefits of BSFL-based products in improving food security, reducing waste, and contributing to sustainable development goals. The presentation also covered the broader implications of using alternative protein sources like BSFL in aquaponics systems, which align with the WEFE Nexus approach, aiming to harmonize water, energy, food, and ecosystem resources.

This insight into innovative solutions like BSFL offers a promising outlook on how frontier agricultural practices can help mitigate the impacts of climate change, enhance food production efficiency, and foster economic growth in the Mediterranean and beyond.

File Type: pdf
Categories: Learning Repository, Presentations
Tags: Black Soldier Fly Larvae, Insect Farming
Author: Charity Kelsy, Dr. Collins K Mweresa, Prof. George Owuor
Downloads: 5
